March 20, 2015

#EF11 - My Kind of (Unusual) Outfit of The Day

Welcome back Fridaaay, welcome back Friday challenge, welcome back BEC! hihihi it's been.. sooo many times I didn't post anything about BEC in this blog and then today, I'm back! Yesterday mba Nita told me that BEC's challenge for this week is about ow ow ti di or #ootd or you can mention it as an outfit of the day that I always do in this blog which ootd is the main topic of this blog. hoho

Okay let me tell you about my outfit. From top to toe, I'm wearing black pashmina, blouse from Restu Anggraini, pants from x(s.m.l), medium wedges form Yongki Komaladi (these are my mother's stuff hehe) and bag from Zara. And I don't have any idea what kind of ootd's theme it is, may be black and white? simply ootd? or..... please help me to find out the theme of mine, guys. (drop your  answer in comment box below)

I knooow this is not my best ootd shot, it's preferebly like candid shot. Why? because I didn't put any make up (at least lipstick or lip crime and oh.. take a look my sleepy eyes! -_-). And I think kak Fika who captured this pict just made a 'test' shot using amam camera hahaha. But anyway, thanks for the shots kak Fika hihi. So, how about your ootd, my dear BEC friends? let me know

Have a great day everyone,
Jum'ah Mubarak!

Puput U


  1. I think its a going-to-an-exam ootd or intern ootd..

  2. Black and white emang wearable color ever ya kak :)) selalu kelihatan classy dalam keadaan apapun bagaimanapun, hihi. Suka hint creme dari tasnya deh. gatau kenapa ngingetin aku sama simple breakfast (?) coffee in a white cup and a slice of bread 😁

  3. Iss.. Gampang aja Mbak Put postinga tentang OOTDnya yaaaaa.. Secara sering OOTDan. Hih! *silik belat*

    Btw, aku suka penampilannyaaaa.. Terkesan bersih, tapi klasik en simpel :D

    1. ish bebi keren juga postingannya (tapi aku belum komen hehe). makasih bebiiiii

  4. hihi yongki juga favorit ibuku mba Puput :D

  5. selalu cantik ya penampilannya puput nih, selalu segar deh :)

  6. casual chic ootd ini mah... ;))

  7. May be those photo weren't your best shot but already pretty enough Puput :D

  8. Simple tp elegan inih Put.. Cucok :D

  9. Simple tp elegan inih Put.. Cucok :D}

  10. i like ur pants , not in just this is post :)

  11. Lovin' the whole outfit, you're so cantik like a baby's face even no make up, this is ngiri-able :/

  12. Simpel, tapi anggun. Naksir sandalnya, terutama.


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