October 30, 2012

Deep Blue Forest

had a nice day, nice wheather (rainny-day) in Magelang, Central-Java with Basic Long Dress deep blue by Thalassa: warm yet stylish

location : Lapangan Sapta Marga - AKMIL

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October 26, 2012

Purple Ethnic

Eid Adha mubarak everyone, enjoy your prayer and holiday
oiya, had a nice Eid day at home together with the most of my family and relatives alhamdulillah,
minus my brothers and uncle family bcause they have to do their jobs in outside.
and then, let me say thank you so much for Yrumi-store by Yulia Rahmayani who gave the beautiful ethnic cardigan for my Eid day.. love love the pattern, seems like borneo pattern, hm? yeah..

salaam, Puput Utami

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October 21, 2012

Brown Dress

attended my neighbour-family wedding last night. just keep your eyes contact to my dress. thankyou dearest Talitha for designing me this lovely dress. anyway.. im about getting fat lately, my cheeks are so bak pao :(

love, Puput U

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October 15, 2012

The Iris Thalassa

Scarf by Bumi Geulis Hijab ( @BumiGeulisHijab ) / Irish dress by Thalassa ( @Thalassa_shop )
Shoes by Icon Nine

Assalammu'alaikum! mohon maaf sekali jadi jarang update blog, been busy with office thingy..anyway, di post kali ini saya memakai Irish dress, salah satu koleksi terbaru dari THALASSA. yang saya suka dari dress ini adalah design dan warna nya. kenapa? karena kesan feminin dan edgy didapat dalam baju ini. paling suka kalau lihat baju ini dari samping, look alike casual gown. kalau dari depan edgy nya dapet. oh iya, dress ini jadi match dipadukan dengan scarf pattern nya BGH, thank you teteh Yuli yg sudah baik hati melayangkan koleksi scarf nya ke alamat rumahku hihihi. anyway.. have a great weekdays guys :)

Puput Utami

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October 6, 2012

Happy Batik Day!

Scarf by Kaffah  / outer Indonesia Batik/ jumpsuit by Color Box / Heels by Nine icon

Happy World Batik Day :)
proud to be Indonesian and having Batik as original heritage (culture) from my country
anyway, i wore this kind of style to my office :)

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