December 31, 2010

Last Day in 2010

hi bloggers, i just can't believe, today is the last day in this year, masha Allah...
tomorrow will be the first January 2011..

banyak banget peristiwa yang membuat hidup aku lebih lengkap dan punya lebih banyak pengalaman. baik pengalaman suka, duka, kecewa, ceria dan sebagainya.. salah satu yang paling berkesan adalah, aku bersyukur kepada Allah SWT karena diberikan kesempatan untuk bertemu dan gabung dalam Hijabers Community.. awalnya sebagian besar ketemu di acara breakfastingnya Dian Pelangi, Ria Miranda dan HS di PI. dari situ aku pikir setelah acara itu selesai semuanya juga akan selesai.. tapi ternyata breakfasting itu titik awal buat aku untuk kenal lebih banyak para hijabers..dan alhamdulillah sampai saat ini aku masih keep contact sama mereka, sesekali kita petite reunion gitu..seneng banget punya mereka... itu salah satu peristiwa senengnya.. 

lain halnya dengan cerita duka.. kalo ga salah tanggal 3 Desember kemaren aku kena musibah kehilangan henfon kesayangan.. nyesek, sedih, sebel sama diri sendiri semua tumbuh jadi satu deh pokoknya.. tapi alhamdulillah berkat support keluarga dan teman-teman aku bisa lebih ikhlas atas musibah itu..intinya sih kita harus ikhlas.. kaarena semua yang ada di diri kita semata-mata milik Allah, kita cuma dititipin aja kok, tugas kita adalah menjaga apa yang sudah diberikan sama Allah, tapi kalau Allah mau menarik kembali apa yang udah dititipkan ke kita..kita harus ikhlas :)

what am-i doing, now ?

waktu aku ngetik post ini, aku abis dinner bareng mama,papa, dua adikku, mbak hoi, nenek, tante, bude dan om.. dimana-mana macet yaa.. yaiyalah, dimalam taun baru orang-orang semua ber-euforia keluar rumah untuk merayakan tahun baru ini... dari kumpul-kumpul keluarga, kumpul-kumpul sama teman, pergi ke masjid, atau cuma stay di rumah. YAK ! aku salah satu orang yang ga terlalu suka sama keramaian.. aku lebih milih stay di kamarku, do everything what i want..entah baca-kah, online-kah, nonton-kah, atau tidur juga ujung-ujung nya.. hehehe.. dengerin kembang api di luar sana udah cukup buat ku. sebenarnya pengen juga liat kembang api tapi macet boook... mending ngaji aja deh di rumah, koreksi diri sendiri dan berdoa sm Allah biar dikasih kelancaran di tahun 2011 nanti.. 
amin YRA. anw, sekarang aku lagi meditasi nih nyari ilham buat ngerjain tugas akhir -__-"


Resolusi tahun 2011 ?

  • selalu diberi kesehatan untuk aku dan keluarga, agar bisa terus beribadah kepada Allah..
  • be a better person
  • Kuliah lancar tanpa ada hambatan suatu apapun
  • Job lancar
  • KV lancar
  • Puasa lancar
  • Jodoh lancar
  • HC's event lancar
  • tambah temen, banyak rezeki hehe
  • dan sebagai-bagainya.. 

ga cukup juga kali ya kalo di tulis semua disini resolusinya..
yang jelas, aku sangat bersyukur atas seluruh limpahan rahmat-Nya.. kita sebagai manusia harus selalu bersyukur.. apa sih yang ga pernah Allah kasih buat kita ? kita mau ini, Allah kasi.. kita mau itu, Allah juga kasi.. tinggal bagaimana kita selalu bersyukur kepada Nya.. karena Allah bakal ngasi lagi dan lagi apa yang kita inginkan kalao kita selalu bersyukur..
okaay, enough for last day in 2010.. gaenak banget terakhir tapi isinya bacaan semua..hehe
Tahun Baru, Semangat Baru
good night all
Happy New Year 2011
salaam :)

December 30, 2010

Black in White Print for Sale

wanna share my casual look :p


unbranded polka black shirt - hareem black and white print (available - 100.000 IDR)

if you wanna buy that hareem, send me an email or send me a message in my fb account

puput utami

thankyouu ka Riza

i got an award from beautiful hijabers ka rizaa
"merci beaucoup kaa"
after a long long time, finally i got an award again (poor me :p hehe)

here the Stylish blogger Award

accepting this award, i am asked to do the following:

1. thank and link to the person who awarded me this award.

2. share 8 things about myself.

3. pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.

4. contact those blogger and tell them about their awards.

8 things about my self, let me speak in bahasa yaa, hehe

1. Pendiem,  apalagi di lingkungan baru. i prefer to learn the new situation first by silent selanjutnya mulai menyesuaikan diri :p

2. Sensitif, apalagi kalo diomongin pake nada tinggi. tapi sensitif ini gak berlarut-larut kok. kadang kalo orang ngasi tau pake nada tinggi akunya diem dan pelan pelan telen kata-kata orang itu, dan sambil mikir mana yang bisa diambil, mana yang enggak

3. Pemalu bangeeeet apalagi kalo disuruh masuk ke ruang dosen, malu banget deh ah.. *ga nyanbung :p*, apalagi dulu kalo ada acara-acara yang ada live band nya pasti disuruh nyanyi sama orang-orang sekitar esp mama, tapi karena rasa malunya gede banget, bawaannya jadi kesel kalo dipaksa-paksa nyanyi gitu. tapi sekarang udah ga malu nyanyi di depan umum kok, malahan sekarang lebih ke banci tampil.. denger bunyi musik aja, bawaannya pengen megang mic dan bernyanyi...hahaha

4. entah kenapa aku risih sama sesuatu yang berantakan, bawaannya pengen langsung beresin aja (jiwa pembokat -_-")

5. i like wedding thingy..mulai dari persiapan pernikahan, bajunya, pelaminan, prewed, souvenir, gedung, catering pokoknya segala sesuatu yang berbau pernikahan aku seneng deeh, apalagi nyium wangi melati *kesannya serem yaa :p* that's why temen-temenku selalu bilang... "udah lah, lo nikah aja deh sana " hahaha...weell, it doesn't mean i wanna get married soon ya, (eh mau sih nikah, tapi nanti laah ada waktunya tunggu jalan dari Allah SWT :p) tapi emang aku tertarik sama hal-hal yang berbau pernikahan, makanya aku sering baca wedding blognya ka fika dan wedding blog lainnya.. kalo liat mempelai di pelaminan itu indah bangeet.. makanya aku cita-cita pengen punya WO bareng temenku Safiek, heheeh aaaaaamiiiin

6. anak rumahan, yang ini aku udah terkenal bangeeet.. aku ga bakal keluar rumah kecuali emang ada tapi aku masih kenal tetangga loooh hehe :p

7. ga enakan 

8. kalo udah males, yaudah keteter semua kerjaan..maunya leyeh leyeh dibawah selimut, nyalain ac, dengerin lagu daaaaaaan bikin video clip sendiri *dangg!! -__-"

NOWW !! i'll give this award to...


thanks for reading


puput utami

December 28, 2010


i had a great timee last weekend, met my whole family at my grnd mother's house

KV's striped dress, unbranded long black cardigan, pashmina (present from granny's neighbour :p hehe ) 

 yeay, it's Suramadu Bridge.. you guys have to visit it :D

desolee, i didn't go to Perak harbour, so i can't catch the picture of KRIs...huahuahuaahuaaa 
maybe next time, i'll go there

xoxo, puput :)

December 23, 2010

Hareem Softly Pink



hareem pants by Ria Miranda

today, me and my family will go to Surabaya, the capital city of east Java for 3 days,
accompany my lil brother to do a test in Juanda and i wanna look for another escape by seeing the sea.
dunno why, i really love to see Perak Harbour,hmm.. may be bcause there's a lot of KRI (Indonesia Navy's ships) :p hehe

anyway...see you in december,26th :D

salaam !
puput utami

December 22, 2010

Mother's Day

kasih ibu kepada beta tak terhingga sepanjang masa
hanya memberi tak harap kembali
bagai sang surya menyinari dunia

Happy Mother's day for all mothers in the world
and Happy Birthday for you, mama.. 
for me, you're the best mama in the world
I love you so much

December 21, 2010

welcome baaaaaack !

assalammualaikum dearr my blog !! 
how are's been so long long time i didnt post anything on my blog :(
bcause theres a lot of THINGS that i've to do, oooh my assignments are killing me softly 

this is my FIRST post in december.. how comee ? it's already the 3rd week and i didnt post anything, poor me... but, don't worreeh* (*means "worry" :p) Insya Allah i'll post everything about my a month full holiday, i just can't wait for 28 December, bcause that day will be my last exam in this term.. and i hope that i'll get a good GPA then, amiiin ya rabbal alamin :D

well, this is my very last hijab style update since my last post in november,

that's the simple things, i just wore a white wide shirt, pants (zara), and i put belt on my waist.. very simple rite ? Anyway, i've to finish my assignments, two more assignments for final exam.. bismillahiraahmanirrahim
pray for me dear readers, and thankyou for reading and visiting my blog :D 

salaam !
puput utami

November 20, 2010

Hijab Scarf Quiz

assalammualaikum everyone

Hijab Scarf held their 6 months quiz. wanna join ? just Send  your most edgy style wearing your own plain white shirt and i join this quiz..hehe
here the results of my experiment with plain shirt 

outfit numero uno : plain white shirt with maxi stripe dress

outfit numero DEUX : with black drapery skirt (idk what kind of skirt tat is..hehe)

outfit numero THREE : plain white shirt with hareem

outfit numero FOUR : plain white shirt with blue jumpsuit

outfit numero FIVE : plain shirt with blue maxi dress

those are mine, how about you ?


November 17, 2010

PLAYLIST : Yuna - Raya Oh Yeah.mp4

i just found Yuna's video clip, and i like that vclip and the lyrics soo muchoo hihihi
emm.. i think that she seems like Andien (Indonesian jazz singer) but Yuna is Malaysian's version and wear hijab, how do you think ?

Idul Adha 1431 H

salam to everyone
selamat hari raya Idul Adha 1431 H
waah, ga kerasa deh ya. kayaknya baru kemaren ngerayain Idul Adha, hari ini alhamdulillah merayakan Idul Adha lagi..

and this is what i wore today 

maxi dress by Koffere Vrow*

my elementary school friend ,Intan came to my house to celebrate Ied Adha with me and my family, yuumm...happy !!

she looks very happy, right ? hehe

we did a lot of things together, beside ate sate, soto and cookies, we did tutorial hijab :D 

PS : if you wanna buy that stripes maxi dress as what i wore above, just send a message on Koffere Vrow's facebook or just send to mine. the condition is new and KV just have one stock, happy shopping :)

November 10, 2010

Jakarta Fashion Week 10/11 and Hijabers

Assalammualaikum :)
yesterday i went to Jakarta Fashion Week and met with my beautiful Hijabers theeerree.. 
there were 7 designers from APPMI who presented their designs, they're : Irna Mutiara, Yuyuk Nurmaisyah, Najua Yanti, Nuniek Mawardi, Hannie Hananto, Savitri and Dian Pelangi.. here there are...

Irna Mutiara (Romantic Return)

 Najua Yanti (Exotic Bohemian)

Naniek Mawardi (Aerial Treasure)

Hannie Hananto (Travelodge)

Savitri (Catch Your Eyes)

and the last..
Dian Pelangi

Marshanda for Dian Pelangi

and Dian got many flowers from the audience

after the show, me with my hijabers took some pictures then we took our dinner at Urban Kitchen

black dress by mother / pashmina classic pattern / rattan's bag - home made unbranded / belt - centro 

with ka etu and ka wulan

with my bestfriend, febby

and all my hijabers friends :)
thank you girls, even there was traffic jam everywhere but you guys really made my day

copyright by Puput Utami

November 6, 2010

Tie Dye and Classic Pattern

alhamdulillah, finally the postman brought me the tie-dye scarf  from Kami Idea and the gorgeous highwaist skirt from Mainland Heritage, and you know ?! they're soo beautiful..i love them :')

headdress by Claro shop/ tie-dye scarf by Kami Idea / high waist skirt by Mainland Heritage / bracelets from mother

Miami Farewell

assalammualaikum readerss,
last monday was the last day for me and my friends at Miami class, English course
huhu sediih.. apalagi katanya ada beberapa teman yang ga nerusin lagi karena harus pindah ke Bandung :'(
tapi pokoknya malem itu, we spent our night with a lot of laugh, share, jokes and the other activity..
i didn't take many picture bcause i didn't wanna lose that togetherness moment :p

miami's students

Kate and me

in the beginning there was 16 students in Miami, but in the last it's just 11 studentsss.. but yeaah, no problemo, i still love and love with my new "family" on Miami class :)

i will miss you guys !


salaam :)