January 30, 2015

#EF4 - Grab a Tool From Doraemon Pocket.

Today is the fourth BEC challenge! wohoo

Who doesn't know Doraemon? Im sure everyone in the whole this universe already knew about this blue-robot-cat. Well, Im Doraemon big fans since I was kid and lil bit worry about Nobita and friends because they're still in the 5th grade elementary school since 1990 till now.. Poor them!
Anyway in this chance, BEC's admin challenge us to pick one tool from Doraemon pocket even though honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I want to grab them all. (Doraemon has many many tools in his pocket,  how come i have to pick just ONE Dorameon tool?!)

If you ever read my previous post in 20 facts about me, you'll notice that I wrote in poin number 20 about my dream travel destination (honeymoon included) is umrah-hajj or middle east travel-package. But how could i make that dream become realityyy? should i work over time to get big salary? Actually, I don't need to do that if i have Dokodemo door.

photo source here
Dokodemo door is a door which allows travel to anywhere by simply going through the door (doraemon-mangawiki)
See? by simply going through the door, I won't easily get bored when holiday season's coming. Im 100% sure i can go every where and every time with family and friends, have a picnic in the middle of desert (like Carrie Bradshaw did in SAC 2), enjoy myself seeing nile river, culinary and the important thing, i will have a lot of my ootd's pictures with various views in the world as my background. hohoho

How about you? let me know what's your favorite Doraemon's tool do you like?


  1. temanya lagi lucu banget ya hari ini, hihihihi. dari tadi baca keinginan2 anak bec seru2
    kalo aku mau serbet yang bisa ngeluarin makanan apa aja biar ga usah masak :P

    1. boleh juga idenya Iena, kenapa gak ikutan challenge BEC juga aja? seru deh :)

  2. I imagine in a holiday season, people will altogether open the door and the got lost in each other's destination. But anyway, with my translation jelly I want to tag along, it will help you eliminate language barrier right? hihihihi. Thank you Mba Puput for participating..

    1. haha indeed, i read yours, translation jelly is awesome too.. that's why i need to grab all of Doraemon's tools :D anyway, you're welcome mas Dani.

  3. Hahah.. I want that door too, Mbak Puuuut.. So I can visit my bf everyday :P

    1. jangan visit doang bebii.. smoga cepet dipersatukan ya.. hihi aamiin


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