May 6, 2014

Yellow Black Line

Kaffah scarf/ Knitted yellow sweater/ El hasbu Skirt/ Long Champ totebag

This is my "buru-buru" outfit on H-1 Hijab day 2014. After crossing two lands and oceans, finally i arrived at Gandaria City (GanCit). I have no idea at all why did people build le grand Mall in the middle of jungle like GanCit, huh? fyi, Gandaria city is quite far from where im livin and i'v never gone there driving by my self and on that day, i had to! :'( Anyway, yellow and black are good combination, rite? i love my yellow knitted sweater and of course i love the skirt from ElHasbu too! remember a couple months ago when i met ka Lulu, she told me that the girl is prettier when they'r wearing wide skirt. yeah..indeed. what do you think?


  1. Aaah, kalo liat baju warna kuning bawaannya mau dicolong aja Put :p your yellow knitwear makes you more more more beautiful <3 dan "the girl is prettier when they'r wearing wide skirt" setujuuuu! Apalagi kalo roknya ada aksen berkibar-kibar gitu, hehehe :P

  2. huahaha banget mba irmaa, ini diajarin ka Lulu kalo jalan sambil ngibar-ngibarin rok, biar keliatan agak tinggi-an hehe..

  3. Suka sama mix and matchnya puput. Warna kuningnya bikin kamu makin gimana gitu hehe

    1. bikin gimana hayo? terima kasih mba Erny..hihi :D

  4. selalu suka stylenya mba puput,, hehe

  5. Sukaaa deh sama style ini. Black&white ditabrakin neon = cantiiik.

    Aku juga suka sylenya mba Lulu, tapi masih suka ga pede dan suka ngerasa repot kalo pake rok panjang. Huhuhu T_T

    1. mungkin diseringin biar jadi pede ya mba hehe, tapi emang agak repot kalo ga biasa pake rok panjang, apalagi kalau naik eskalator.. harus hati-hati bangett :(


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