May 25, 2012

JFFF : Musa Widiatmodjo's show


so guys, May 23rd i attended Jakarta Fashion Food Festival at Harris Hotel, Kelapa Gading together with ka Restu Anggraini, Dwi Larasati Putri, Larasati Putri and tante-tante MUSE 101 :p i watched APPMI show : Nuniek Mawardi, Dian Pelangi, Tuty Adib and Jeny Tjahyawati.  too bad, i couldn't take sum pict in APPMI show. 

at 7.00 pm, i watched Musa Widiatmodjo show with his The Flobamora Indone(she)aku inspired by Nusa Tenggara Timur Heritage. actually, for me this show was quite looong and ennuyeux. but because i love Nusantara pattern, i still enjoyed the show..they're all beautiful :)

(back to Indonesian yah hehe) overall, saya suka banget sama design nya musa yang emang terkesan simple yah designnya, tapi pattern dan detilnya yang bikin high. di dalam koleksinya ini, Musa mengangkat kain tenun dari NTT dan banyak memakai lace atau renda-renda dan aplikasi flowery yang timbul, membuat baju-bajunya Musa ini simple tapi tetep feminin, anggun, high dan lady look gitu lah.. sukaa.

outfit : dress Frotsya by Fatimah Rommy/ scarf and inner Kaffah by SJ/ bag by Capriasi/ shoes by Marie Claire

anyway, thankyou Frostya for the lovely dress.. i love it so much :*

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  1. dress nya keren dipake sama puput jadi tambah ngiler ngeliatnyaaaa*pengen punya juga,,(bisa dapetin dimana ya??)...
    Kalo liat puput itu cantik imut-imut, kreatif, pinter, ga nyesel nge follow blog nya dari dulu..makin sukses yahh ^o^

    1. alhamdulillah terima kasih banyak mba citra sudah follow blogku, semoga bermanfaat yah.. oiya, untuk frostya bisa langsung hubungi @miyromiiy di twitter :)

    2. with my pleasure dear...., makasih infonya yaaa ^^


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