September 27, 2011

Bold in Black


i attended ka icha's wedding party on sunday nite. friends from Hijabers Community and i made a promise that we've to wear black for dress code that nite. but , a half from the committee feel not good in black. they said that black is not their colour (bukan gue banget gitu lah..). so, one from us had iniciative to make two dress codes, pink or pastel for whom not married yet and black for whom had a spouse already or had a fiance or future fiance etc..

so, that nite..i wore BLACK!!.. but, no no im not married yet or having fiance or etc..
kenapa pakai hitam-hitam? karena udah nyiapin bajunya sebelum komite HC janjian pakai dress code hitam (lagipula jarang punya baju pastel -____-").
hitam itu kesannya anggun, misterius dan kalau disambung-sambungin sama arti warna dress code hitam nya HC malam itu, hitam berarti taken.. tapi, disini aku kasi aksen warna emas..
kalo disatuin, artinya hitam-emas adalah..taken but available...hahahahaha just kidding :p
 nyatanya ga semua komite yang hadir dan udah nikah pakai baju hitam dan yang belom nikah pake baju pastel :)

xo, puput


  1. aku juga lagi suka pake hitam pas wedding, hihihi ... mungkin harus nambah aksen emas juga ya :D

  2. iyaa black is soo adorable, i love it anw, thankyouu dear Nikisa Izas :)


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