April 13, 2010

Jumpsuit Time

assalammualaikum mes amis..
how was your day ? i hope  tat ur day's better than yesterday..amin
well, im so happy today, because i received a text from mas-mas who helps me to buy dictionary of Micro Robert. he told me that my Micro Robert will be at my house tomorrow !! yaaaaaaaaaaaay..hihihi alhamdulillah.. im waiting so long time to have IT ! why? because that dictionary is very very important for my Major - french litterature, actually we need kamus eka bahasa, french-french :)
and then, i did my presentasion with Sito and Ricca about Polysemy and Monosemy. everything is okay eventhough yesterday i felt lil bit dizzy because i 'ate' polysemy and monosemy books in french and finally, the result is alhamdulillah..lancarrrr :))

after back from campus, i red the blog of diana rikasari..then i found

MY NAME !!!!!

here the story --> last sunday, i red dianarikasari's blog and she wrote that she will give 100 LOVE EARTH bags for those who live in Jakarta, free !! so i sent an email, and theeeeen..taraaa !! I got the LOVE EARTH bag..alhamdulillah...
im so happy :))) i just can't wait to use it ...hihihi

update outfit :)

be active with jumpsuit !
darkblue paris hijab, grey long shirt, darkblue jumpsuit, red converse

c'est tout !!
nanti (kalo inget) aku postingin bahan presentasi aku tentang polisemi dan monosemi yaa !! lumayan kaan buat nambah nambah ilmu

wassalam..have a nice tuesday night, mes amis :)

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