February 17, 2012

Earth-Sky tone

me with ka cete, a well known blogger :D
outfit all by Puput Utami's private collections / Kaffah shawl by Siti Juwariyah/ shoes -  unbranded / MUA by Restu Anggraini/ hijab stylist by Puput Utami/ photo by Siti Juwariyah
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  1. love your smile deh.... Make up nya bagus! Eniwei salam kenal Puput, gue baru tau kalo kita seangkatan dan sealmamater :) mampir-mampir dong ke blog gue.. :)http://azkaniasmoments.blogspot.com/

  2. bagi tips cara mix n macth jilbab dunk.. *puppy dog eyes


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